Who can apply to the Summer School?
We accept applications from graduate students, advanced undergraduate students, professionals working in related fields, applicants holding a BA degree who are currently not students but are considering to continue their higher education and pursue a graduate degree, or currently applying for graduate programs, as well from civil society activists.
What sorts of people apply for the Summer School?
The Summer School is truly an international program, attracting a diverse range of people. Each year the Summer School brings over 80 students, professionals and activists from more than 30 countries from all around the world. The majority of the participants are graduate students, alongside a number of professionals (with an academic degree) engaged in civil society or state institutions from a range of fields including: human rights, policy analysis, education for peace and others.
What documents are needed in order to apply for the Summer School?
Aside from completing the online Summer School application form, we do not require any additional documents from you.
When is the application deadline?
Final deadline to submit your application for the 2022 Summer School is April 5, 2022. Please note that some courses will reach their maximum capacity much earlier than the planned deadline, thus we would recommend that you apply at your earliest convenience in order to reserve your place on the course of your first choice.
What are the language requirements?
Language of instruction for all courses is English. Even though we do not require TOEFL/IELTS and similar certificates, we strongly recommend that you apply for the Summer School only if you are able to fully comprehend, proficiently communicate and write in English. All the courses rely heavily on students’ participation, in-class discussions, as well as students' presentations.
Can I attend more than one course?
You can only attend one course out of the 5 offered this year. We will do our best to match with your preference.
I am not a student at the moment; can I still apply for the Summer School?
If you are currently not a student or if you have already graduated, you may still apply for the Summer School. Though we require that your area of expertise and interests be related to the topics that the Summer School is covering in the social sciences (human rights, civil society, conflict studies, memory studies, political sciences, peace studies, etc.). Strong motivation letter and your CV will help us learn more about you, your background and the reasons you are applying to the Summer School: please make sure you carefully fill those sections of our online form, and provide us with as much information as possible.
I am an undergraduate student; can I also apply for the Summer School?
Yes, you may apply for the Summer School as an advanced undergraduate student, i.e. if you are about to begin your last year of studies in the academic year 2021/22.
How will I be notified about my application?
We communicate with all applicants primarily via email that you provide us with in your application form. Before sending your application form it is important that you double check and make sure all information you entered is correct. You may want to periodically check your spam folder to make sure that our messages are not recognized as spam emails.
Am I allowed to change my course once the Summer School has started?
Once the Summer School starts, you cannot change your course of participation.
How many people will be in a course group?
We estimate the number of participants in each course to be between 10 to 20 students.
What will my schedule look like that week?
Each day will consist of 2 Synchronous sessions and at least 1 Asynchronous session. Each Synchronous session lasts for 90 minutes, and takes place online, with all participants present, with their camera and audio on. Visit the SCHEDULE page on our website for more info.
When will I get the Summer School schedule?
A draft version of the Summer School schedule will be available on our website, while the final Summer School daily schedule will be finalized before the commencement date of the Summer School, and will be shared with the participants.
Can I know the names and contact details of other participants on my course?
Due to our privacy policy, we cannot provide personal or contact details of other Summer School participants prior to the beginning of the course.
Am I able to contact course lecturers before the start of the course?
Email inquiries should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and where the CFCCS staff cannot answer a question it will be forwarded to the relevant course lecturer.
Do I need to do any reading before the course starts?
Yes you do! We expect you to come prepared! In order to obtain the maximum from your learning experience in all courses, all reading materials will be available through the online learning platform of the Faculty of Media and Communications (FMK) which will be shared with you prior to the summer school [one month in advance] to allow you enough time for reading and preparing for the course.
Is there an application fee?
Yes, we require all accepted applicants to confirm their participation by paying the Tuition Fee in full. For more information on Summer School tuition fees for 2022, please visit the TUITION page for the 2022 Summer School on our website.
Can I pay by bank transfer?
Yes! We do accept tuition fee payment via bank transfer. We will provide detailed information and instruction for payment in due time to each participant.
Can I pay my tuition fee via PayPal?
We do accept PayPal payments, as the Center for Comparative Conflict studies has an official PayPal account. When confirming your participation, please make sure to specify that you would like to pay your Summer School tuition and/or registration fee via PayPal.
Is it possible to pay the tuition in installments?
We cannot accept Summer School tuition payment in installments.
After I pay the tuition fee via bank transfer, how long does it take for CFCCS to receive it?
Bank transfers can take from 5-10 working days. Please note that the processing times can differ, depending on the country the money is being wired from. Once we receive a statement from the bank, we will contact you to confirm that we have received your payment.
How many credits will I receive for my participation in the Summer School course?
We offer 5 ECTS credits for each of the courses. Upon completing the course requirements successfully, you will be able to transfer credits to your home institution.
Do I have to submit a final paper in order to get the ECTS credits?
We only give 5 ECTS credits to participants who have successfully completed all course requirements and have submitted their final papers to the course lecturer. Specific details on the final paper, dates of submission and grading policy are given by each course lecturer. If a participant does not fulfill all course requirements mentioned above, he or she cannot qualify to receive the ECTS credits.
Will I still get a certificate if I attend the Summer School?
At the end of the Summer School week, all participants receive a certificate that states that they’ve attended our Summer School. Please note that this certificate cannot be used to transfer ECTS credits.