Dr. Nita Luci

Dr. Nita Luci

nita luciNita Luci holds a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor (Seeking Independence: Making Nation, Memory and Manhood in Kosovo – thesis title). Her research has focused on topics of gender and manhood, state, post-socialism, nationalism, contemporary art, military intervention, memory and violence. She teaches at the departments of Anthropology, Sociology, and Contemporary Art at the University of Prishtina. She also heads the University Program for Gender Studies and Research at the University of Prishtina. In Spring 2013 she was visiting research scholar at Dartmouth College and Fellow at the Gender Research Institute at Dartmouth. She has received numerous research grants and fellowships, and was a Returning Scholar Fellow OSI Academic Fellowship Program from to 2008 - 2014. In addition to her university engagements she also serves on the boards of a number of civil-society organizations in Kosovo focusing on gender, LGBT, gender based-violence, research and activism. She also works with initiatives in the area of contemporary art, such as editing four supplements titled “Women n/or Witches: Representation, Feminism and Art. She also co-founded the independent feminist organization Alter Habitus – Institute for Studies in Society and Culture, which has focused on gender perspectives to post-war collective memory in Kosovo.

Selected publications: “Our men will not have amnesia”: Civic Engagement, Emancipation, and Gendered Public in Kosovo (co-authored with Linda Gusia, CEU Press 2014); Masculine Habitus: How to Think of Men in Kosova (2011); Un/welcomed Guests: NATO Intervention in Kosova (Routledge, 2011); Events and Sites of Difference: Mark-ing Self and Other in Kosovo (co-authored with Predrag Markovic, Ashgate 2009); Superfluity: Cultural Policies and Contemporary Art (2008); Gender Equality and Women’s Position in Society in Kosovo (2006); The Politics of Remembrance and Belonging: Life Histories of Albanian Women in Kosova (co-authored with Vjollca Krasniqi, 2006); Transitions and Tradition: Constructions of Gender, Nation and Family in Kosova (LitVerlang 2005); Das Schweigen der Frauen: Genderkonstruktionen und Genderdynamiken in Kosova vor und nach dem Krieg (Lit-verlang 2004); Endangering Masculinity in Kosovo: Can Albanian Women Say No? (2002).



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    11000 Belgrade, Serbia


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